jueves, 2 de diciembre de 2010

skimming & scanning diferences

A few days ago, I have read my friend posting and found new vocabulary. Now, I think that this is good idea. We can try this way to increase our vocab and learn english such grammar or pronounciation.(Who know that we’ll be native speaker ^^).But, the major consideration is trying to add vocab, learn it, get experience especially for practising toefel =D and speak english fluently.(If only I lived in UK, I would speak English all the time ^^) I wish I could speak one in my daily activity =p (I remember, My teacher ever told me that I needed partner to practise it and ordered not to delay an occasion) So, let me practise ^_^ (Would you mind correcting me if I’m wrong?). We often read english articles, story or novels.But sometimes, We get troubled to find main idea or know important information quickly. These are tips from my teacher to differentiate between scanning and skimming.

Scanning and skimming is known as the way of or strategy of faster reading. The skill of skimming and scanning are very important when you need to read quickly for information.

Scanning means knowing what information you need to find before you read. You have something in your mind, your eyes, then, move quickly to find that particular information. You scan when you are looking for a fact or a detail or a particular vocabulary word. When you are scanning, you don’t have to read every word to answer the questions and don’t have understand every word.

Skimming means reading quickly for general meaning. You skim reading material to find out about topic, the main idea, and generic structure of passage. For this kind of reading, you only want to find out something and don’t want to know and memorize everything you read. In fact, you should leave out everything except a few important words. There are the words that tell you the general idea.

How do apply it?
Preview for skimming :
- read the title
- observe first and last sentence
- look for appearing frequently word
- answer this question : what is the generic structure of the text above?

just reminder that three kind of main idea :
- deductive when it find in the first paragraph
- inductive when it find in the last paragraph
- implicit when it is conclusion of the paragraph

good luck for trying ^^ I hope it helps us.

2 comentarios:

  1. Esto es verdaderamente interesante ya que el uso de estas tenicas es muy facil de aprender pero al mismo tiempo dificil acostumbrarnos al habito de la lectura y por mas al uso de estas tecnicas que son muy efectivas a la hora de querer saber un tema.
    Le agradesco su interes al dedicar su tiempo en la elaboracion de estas herramientas para que nosotros "alumnos de la UTN" aprendamos de una manera diferente.
    This is very very interesting.
    Atte. Jose Antonio Flores Moreno
